Center for Legal Research and Services
Cập nhật lúc 10:18, 27/01/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

Centre for Legal Research & Services (LERES) was founded in 1997 in accordance with Decree no. 35/CP on scientific and technological research activities.

2. Functions and missions

-  Research, carry out legal science projects, contributing to the formation of Vietnamese legal theories and the construction of a socialist State that espouses for a rule-of-law.

- Research and provide inputs in the making of legal instruments and by-laws;

- Implement assigned scientific research projects at all levels, scientific research projects at the request of legislative, executive and judicial agencies and projects in cooperation with domestic and foreign partners.

- Organize training and raising legal knowledge for lecturers, researchers, domestic and foreign experts through specialized and thematic programs.

- Organize the drafting of reference materials and materials on legal sciences for dissemination;

- Organize consultancy activities on legal matters and law enforcement.

- Provide consultancy on institution matters, solutions and legal means for socio-economic development projects of state agencies and localities. Provide consultancy on production and business work of enterprises.

- Provide legal assistance at the request of domestic and foreign individuals and organizations.

- Build facilities for legal informatics.

- Collect, process, exchange and provide legal information with domestic and foreign individuals and organizations in accordance with the law.

- Publication of legal works.

3. Organizational structure

- Director: Dr. Nguyen Thị Lan.

4. Notable works and projects

* Scientific research projects

(1) Assurance of Human Rights by the Penal Law and Criminal Procedure Law in the Context of Construction of the State that Espouses for a Rule-of-Law in Vietnam. VNU-level project. Code: QL.04.03, 2006.

(2) Procedural Time Limits in the Criminal Procedure Law in Vietnam. VNU-level project. Code: QG.14.55, 2014-2015.

 (3) The Organization and Operation of Agencies Competent to Conduct Criminal Procedure at the Requirement of the Judicial Reform. VNU-level project. Code: QGTD.10.18, 2011-2012.

* Projects

(1) Project to “Develop the International Criminal Court Module at the School of Law” sponsored by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Embassy of Switzerland in Vietnam, 1/2010 – 3/2011.

(2) Project to “Develop the International Criminal Law Module at the School of Law” sponsored by the Embassy of Switzerland in Vietnam, 4/2011 – 11/2012.

(3) Project to “Promote Access to Information and Legal Assistance For Persons in Rehab, HIV Positive Persons, Sex Workers in Social Labor Education Center in Hanoi” sponsored by the Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund (JIFF), 01/2011 – 12/2013

(4) Project to “Support Clinical Legal Education” sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 04/2011 - 7/2013.

(5) Project to “Support Law Students with Litigation Skills in Criminal Justice” sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2014.

(6) Legal assistance activities for agencies, organizations, businesses, the people.

* Books, textbooks

(1) Textbook on International Criminal Court (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi), National Political Publishing House, 2011.

(2) Textbook on International Criminal Law (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi), National Political Publishing House, 2012.

(3) State Administrative Decentralization in Vietnam: Current Status and Prospects (monograph) (Chief editors: Nguyen Ngoc Chi, Pham Hong Thi, Nguyen Dang Dung), People’s Public Security Publishing House, 2011.

(4) Human Rights in Criminal Justice (monograph) (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi), VNU Publishing House, 2015.

(5) Theoretical and Practical Matters of International Criminal Law, (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi) National Political Publishing House, 2011.

(6) Kiến thức và kỹ năng tranh tụng của luật sư trong vụ án hình sự (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi), Hong Duc Publishing House, 2014.

(7) Quyền tham gia và trách nhiệm giải trình, (monograph) (Chief editor: Nguyen Ngoc Chi), Hong Duc Publishing House, 2014;

* Scientific and technological products in the 2016-2020 period:

- Implemented from 2 to 3 scientific research projects from the School of Law level and above.

- Published from 2 to 3 monographs and textbooks.

- Published 15 scientific papers in specialized journals, including 2 to 3 papers in international journals.

- Provide consultancy on policy and law making for competent authorities.

- Provide legal assistance for 5 to 10 agencies, organizations and businesses.

- Provide training and programs to improve student’s skills in practicing law, legal consultancy, and legal dissemination for 5 batches of students.

5. Contact information

Room 402, E1 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi



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